Why Won’t GRUB detect my other OSes?

Why Won’t GRUB detect my other OSes?

Wikis > Why Won't GRUB detect my other OSes?

GRUB is not detecting my other existing Operating Systems on my computer, what can I do?

This has to do with os-prober being disabled by default (for security reasons) within the version of GRUB that is included with Bodhi Linux 7.0.

Starting with Ubuntu 22.04, the base of Bodhi Linux 7.0, the included bootloader (GRUB 2.06) has os-prober turned off by default for security reasons. This is to help prevent attacks to your system from unauthorized drives that could otherwise be connected, booted with malicious content or intent, etc..

For source and for further information, please see: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Simple-configuration.html#Simple-configuration.

I have other Operating Systems installed and would like GRUB to detect them however…

Have no fear, there is a work-around!

To re-enable os-prober in Bodhi Linux, open Terminology (the default terminal emulator for Bodhi Linux) and run:

sudo leafpad /etc/default/grub

to edit the grub-mkconfig configuration file within Leafpad (Bodhi Linux’s default text editor).

Note: because you are attempting to run a command as sudo [super user, do], you will be prompted to enter your password before the file opens – your password will not appear as you type nor will any other characters; this is a default Linux behavior for security reasons).

Once grub-mkconfig is open for editing within Leafpad, add the following line to the file:


Then save the file and close Leafpad.

Back in Terminology, run:

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

This will update your GRUB configuration and boot menu to probe any additional drive that may be attached to your system.

Exit Terminology.

GRUB should now detect your other drives upon system restart! Nice work!

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