Quick Launcher

Quick Launcher

Revision for “Quick Launcher” created on May 13, 2024 @ 11:50:58

Quick Launcher
<strong>Quick Launcher</strong> is a handy Moksha module that, as its name implies, allows you to <strong><em>launch applications quickly</em></strong>. Quick Launcher is opened by pressing any of the following key bindings: &lt;SuperKey&gt;+&lt;Space&gt;,  &lt;Alt&gt;+&lt;Esc&gt;, or  &lt;Ctrl&gt;+&lt;Alt&gt;+&lt;Space&gt; or from left-clicking <em>Main Menu &gt; Quick Launcher</em>. Want to get to the Favorite Applications dialog box to set up your Favorites Menu? Just type <code>fav</code> into Quick Launcher and hit <em>&lt;</em>Enter&gt;. Want to launch <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/wiki/terminology/">Terminology</a>? Type <code>ter</code> and hit <em>&lt;</em>Enter&gt;<em><strong>. </strong></em>Quick Launcher will automatically close after performing the requested action. It may also be closed it by pressing<em> &lt;</em>Esc&gt; or clicking outside its window. Try using it for a while, you will like it! <p style="padding-left: 30px;"><em>Note: &lt;SuperKey&gt; is sometimes referred to as the &lt;WinKey&gt;</em></p> <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/trial/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/quickLauncher-620x433.png?x77783&amp;x77783&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-3454" src="https://www.bodhilinux.com/trial/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/quickLauncher-620x433.png?x77783&amp;x77783&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737" alt="Quick Launcher" width="400" height="279" /></a> This brief guide only describes the basic use of Quick Launcher; for a comprehensive user guide please refer to the eBook: <a href="https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1086439"><em>Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 – The Complete Guide for Beginners</em></a>. Details on how to access/download this free eBook can be found in the <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/quick-faq/#Bodhi_eBook">FAQs</a>. <em>For more information on this and other Bodhi Linux topics, please explore the links on our <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/resources/">Resources Page</a>.</em> <em>Further exploration:</em> Back to <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/moksha-guide/">Moksha Guide</a> <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/">Bodhi Linux Home</a> <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/wiki/">Bodhi Linux - Wiki Home Page</a> <a href="https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/bodhi-linux-how-to/">Bodhi Linux - Wiki Table of Contents</a>

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