Quick Launcher

Quick Launcher

Wikis > Quick Launcher

Quick Launcher is a handy Moksha module that, as its name implies, allows you to launch applications quickly.

Quick Launcher is opened by pressing any of the following key bindings: <SuperKey>+<Space>,  <Alt>+<Esc>, or  <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Space>
or from left-clicking Main Menu > Quick Launcher.

Want to get to the Favorite Applications dialog box to set up your Favorites Menu? Just type fav into Quick Launcher and hit <Enter>. Want to launch Terminology? Type ter and hit <Enter>. Quick Launcher will automatically close after performing the requested action. It may also be closed it by pressing <Esc> or clicking outside its window.

Try using it for a while, you will like it!

Note: <SuperKey> is sometimes referred to as the <WinKey>

Quick Launcher

This brief guide only describes the basic use of Quick Launcher; for a comprehensive user guide please refer to the eBook: Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 – The Complete Guide for Beginners. Details on how to access/download this free eBook can be found in the FAQs.

For more information on this and other Bodhi Linux topics, please explore the links on our Resources Page.

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