Wallpaper Settings

Wallpaper Settings

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Wallpaper Settings

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Click the Wallpaper icon to open the Wallpaper settings dialogue. From here, you can change your wallpaper (also called ‘background) to other community-made Bodhi Linux wallpapers which can be downloaded from the Bodhi Linux repositories. Additionally, you may choose a wallpaper of your own from anywhere you like.

Bodhi Linux Community Wallpapers:

If you want to use Bodhi Linux’s custom wallpapers, you first need to download and install them. This can be done through Synaptic Package Manager or through the terminal with apt. Our wallpaper packages are all named bodhi-background-* with the * being replaced by the specific name of the wallpaper (there are approximately 79 wallpapers…this should get you started!). You can install these individually or all at once by running the following command in your favorite terminal:

sudo apt install bodhi-background-*

Note: These system-installed wallpapers are stored in your system at/usr/share/enlightenment/data/backgrounds/ in case you need to find them later

Once installed, un-check the Use Theme Wallpaper checkbox at the top of the dialogue; this is needed to allow using wallpapers outside of those provided in your current Moksha theme.

You can find all installed wallpapers by clicking the System radio button in the upper left corner of the window, which will show all available Bodhi Linux  wallpapers installed on your system in a list on the left side of the window. Click through or scroll with arrow keys until you find something you like and then click Apply. This will apply your chosen wallpaper to every virtual desktop on your Bodhi Linux system at once.

If you want different wallpapers on one or all of your virtual desktops, you can do this by navigating to the virtual desktop you would like to set the wallpaper for (using the Virtual Desktop Switcher) and then repeating the above instructions with one extra step, as follows:

Once you have selected your new wallpaper, click on the Advanced button in the Wallpaper Settings dialogue and select the This Desktop radio button before clicking Apply. You should now see the wallpaper change only for the virtual desktop you are currently using while the others remain the unchanged. If you have multiple monitors, you may configure their wallpapers individually through this Advanced dialogue as well.

Wallpaper from Your Own Collection:

Note: Personal wallpapers imported by the user are stored in/home/user/.e/e/backgrounds/where user should be replaced by your username on your system. However, because your imported wallpapers are different than what we’re doing here, we suggest making a special folder like /home/user/Pictures/backgrounds/ to store these wallpapers in. The reason for this should be apparent soon.

Find a wallpaper from your favorite, trusted source, open the Wallpaper Settings dialogue and navigate to the .../backgrounds/ folder you’ve made, wherever that may be, and select the image you would like to use. See the note at the beginning of this guide for tips on navigating through your filesystem with these dialogues.

Tip: If you choose to download your own wallpapers, you should ensure they match your screen’s resolution before using them or they may not work well

Once you have found your desired wallpaper, use the same steps as listed above for Bodhi Linux-specific wallpapers to apply the changes to your desktop(s) as you see fit.

Importing wallpapers:

If you have a wallpaper which is not the correct size or resolution for your screen but want to use it anyway, there is one last handy way to import a wallpaper. This method will modify a picture of your choosing and create a new, altered version of it in your personal wallpapers folder, which you can then use as a wallpaper.

Click the Picture button in the Wallpaper Settings dialogue to open a new dialogue; navigate and choose a picture of your liking from anywhere on your system. Once you select the picture, you will be presented with another dialogue showing your chosen picture along with options for Stretch, Center, Tile, Within, Fill, and Pan.

These options decide how Moksha will handle the picture you have chosen. Fill is the default option, and is usually the correct choice. This will shrink/enlarge your picture to fit your screen’s resolution, but without stretching or distorting the image. Choosing other options will yield different results, but you may prefer other options for some wallpapers. Be creative, artistic and experiment!

You may also choose the quality of the new picture which will be created. The quality cannot exceed the original quality of the starting image. If you do not want to reduce the quality at all, you may simply check the Use original file checkbox to prevent the built-in image editor from reducing the quality. Reducing the quality of the images can help your virtual desktops load a bit faster when switching between them.

After clicking Ok, your new, modified image will be created in the /home/user/.e/e/backgrounds/folder where it can be selected from a list when you click the Personal radio button in the Wallpaper Settings dialogue. If you are not happy with the results, you may always delete this newly-created picture (it is not the original) and try importing the original picture again with different settings.

Solid Color Backgrounds:

And lastly, we have the Color button in the Wallpaper Settings dialogue. This option will allow you to create a simple background of any color you choose. Choosing this option will also create a new image of one solid color in your /home/user/.e/e/backgrounds/ folder, which can be applied or deleted just as any other wallpaper can.


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