Style Guide

Style Guide

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Bodhi Linux – Style Guide

The purpose of a style guide is to aid in the standardization of documentation on the Bodhi Linux Wiki. A style guide helps maintain consistency across wikis and assists with creating new guides, tutorials and other documentation. A style guide can also be indispensable for updating and maintaining documentation.


Please spell out “Bodhi Linux” for every reference as this is the name of our distribution (distro for short); do not shorten to “Bodhi”, etc.

Watch for typos of “Bodhi Linux”

A term being defined or newly introduced topic should be bolded – see the introduction paragraph example

Software names and proper nouns are to be capitalized – an example is Moksha

File paths are to be set in monospaced font; in the Wiki this is accomplished by selecting “preformatted” – an example is – /home/user/downloads/

or alternatively  <code>/example/path/</code> – which displays as –/example/path/

Blocks of code should by formatted as <pre>command</pre> – such as

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-grade

Strings that need to be typed/entered should be italicized

Items that need to be opened or selected from a menu or list should be spelled out and capitalized exactly how the Item appears

Key presses should be formatted – <keyname>

The “Win” key or “Windows” key – <Superkey>

Hotkey combinations should be formatted – <keyname>+<otherkey>

Hotkey sequences should be – <keyname> + <otherkey>

Menu navigation – Menu > SubMenu > SubSubMenu

Hyperlinks will automatically format to be orange – no need to bold, italicize, etc.

Go easy with bolding and other emphasis – overuse overwhelms – please feel free to remove “excessive” bolding

Page Organization

Pages must have a current permalink that reflects page contents at the broadest level – permalinks should be adjusted as content develops, as needed.

Pages should open with a Title that more-or-less matches the permalink. This section should be styled as “Heading 1”.

Following the title should be an introduction – a sentence or paragraph on the topic – background, use, etc..

Subsections follow nesting; that is, subheadings are “Heading 2” style. Sub-subheadings and are “Heading 3”, etc.. Utilizing these predefined styles will create links to the sub-content, which is handy for assisting with troubleshooting – pasting links into the forum, Discord, etc..

Following each title/heading/sub-heading should be the content for that section; this follows the “Paragraph” style.

Spacing between paragraphs is accomplished by pressing <shift>+<enter>

Bullets should be used for lists

Tips, Notes and Cautions and quotes should be italicized and also formatted with <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>Note: example items</p>   (50px is being considered) –

Tips are helpful and handy advice for users – items that save time, shortcuts, etc.

Notes generally provide more information to a topic (trivia, anecdote, etc.) or external links for more resources

“Caution” is used to make users aware of  items that may cause damage and may be stylized as Caution, CAUTION, ***CAUTION*** depending on the level of risk: slowing down a process or having to repeat a task is different than typing a command that could nuke a system. Use your discretion or poll the experts.

Pages should end with navigation back to the Wiki Home Page, Wiki Table of Contents and other related helpful links. Example:

Further exploration:
Back to Moksha Guide

Bodhi Linux – Wiki Home Page
Bodhi Linux – Wiki Table of Contents

Media & Images

Screenshots should be crisp, clear examples

Attempt to have some background for context when showing menus

Terminal screenshots may be just that

Images should be PNG format and uploaded to the media manager

For busier example images, make the image clickable for zoom or otherwise indicate/emphasize important details

For additional information regarding colors and logos

Bodhi Linux Home
Bodhi Linux – Wiki Home Page
Bodhi Linux – Wiki Table of Contents