Keeping Bodhi Linux Up-to-Date

Keeping Bodhi Linux Up-to-Date

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How to update Bodhi Linux

There are many reasons to keep your Bodhi Linux fully updated/patched – improved functionality, bug fixes, and increased security (to name a few!).

Let’s get started!

Using the Command Line

To use the command line via a terminal emulator (Bodhi Linux utilizes Terminology) to update/upgrade your system, navigate to Main Menu > Applications > System Tools > Terminology

From here type:

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

Note: you may use upgrade or dist-upgradeboth are explained below

What did I just type?

Here is a brief explanation of the commands you just entered into your terminal:

sudosuperuser do – allows a user to run commands/programs with the privileges of another user, by default root or admin – use when programs request “elevated privileges”

Note: In Bodhi Linux, the sudo password is your login password by default

aptAdvanced Package Tool – used to get and install packages/programs – replaces apt-get

update – lets package manager know about available packages/programs and their versions; does not install anything

upgrade – will upgrade versions for packages/programs from the update but will not remove anything nor update dependencies not already installed

dist-upgrade – will upgrade versions for packages/programs and will intelligently install/remove packages as necessary to complete the upgrade

That’s it!  Simple!

Now that you know how to update your system, why not check out software in our AppCenter?

Using Synaptic Package Manager

The Synaptic Package Manager is a utility that may be used to manage all aspects of software packages. One aspect is to update/upgrade packages. To find out more and how to use, see: How to Update All Package(s)

How often should I update?

Unlike some other operating systems that push updates on certain days of the month/weekly/etc, Linux is updated as vulnerabilities are discovered, bugs are uncovered or someone wants to add a great new feature to a piece of software.

To maintain a patched system, it is recommended that you run these commands regularly to ensure your system is up to date (say, weekly?). Many Bodhi Linux users check for updates every day or each time they boot.

Tip: Have a difficult time remembering commands? Pressing the ↑ (up arrow) key in Terminology will display commands your have previous run from your terminal history – press up until you find your needed command/s!

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