A summary of the changes and improvements found in Bodhi 6.0
- Ubuntu 20.04.02 base.
- Kernel standard: 5.4.0-72-generic
- Kernel HWE: 5.8.0-50-generic
- EFL: 1.25.1
- Moksha: 0.3.3-10
- A New Plymouth theme
- BL6.0 now uses the LightDm Slick greeter.
- The ArcGreen Moksha theme now features a new animated Background and Splash.
- The ArcGreen Icon theme now uses PNG icons for better performance on older machines.
- Ubiquity (Installer) icon is displayed on the Desktop in the Live Environment.
- Updated Ubiquity Slideshow with language support for some languages.
- Language Module is enabled by default.
- After installation, the first run wizard uses the language and keyboard layout chosen in Ubiquity.
- Chromium is now the default Web Browser.
- Thunar has replaced PcManFm as the default File Browser.
- Thunar has been patched to make the Set Image as background Function in Moksha or Enlightenment.
- Leafpad has been patched to fix a data loss issue it had on samba or sftp file systems.
- eSudo has been removed and replaced with gnome’s authentication agent for PolicyKit.
- apturl-elm has been replaced with a lightweight custom apturl script.
- VirtualBox guest additions are no longer preinstalled. However, aRandr works in a VirtualBox VM to change screen resolution.
- Installation of snaps has been disabled.
- We are working towards providing up-to-date translations of as many apps, moksha, and other components of Bodhi as we can. You will notice much greater support in some languages. If your language is deficient and you wish to help let us know.
- Changes for EFL 1.25 in code base.
- Fix gcc-9 and gcc-10 warnings during compilation.
- Improved localization and a few more languages up to date.
- Improved primary monitor windows placement.
- Improvement on Border controls on either side feature and setting.
- Improvement in the xdg auto-start directories in the apps dialogs.
- Environmental variable code cleaned up and improved.
- Check that the file has a protocol in enlightenment_open.
- Add sym link moksha_remote to enlightenment_remote.
- enlightenment_open: correctly return the exist status code of the exe.
- Don’t set x-scheme-handler/file for File manager app.
- Desktop icons – open filemanger on mount now opens customFM instead of EFM.
- A few debugging functions added to e_util.c.
- Apply a tighter clamp to internal window auto-size.
- Bugfix: get entry width based on view-port size, not entry size.
- Various improvements in e_xkb.c.
- Iconic windows once again remain minimized across restarts.
- Lang and layout wizard resurrection.
- Improved keyboard navigation in the start menu.
- Disable icons in menus option added (for super slow PCs).
- Changes and improvements in the moksha-menu package.
- Disable clipboard sync in BL6.0 as EFL changes make it problematic.
- Add ability to switch Config Profiles via keybinding.
- XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP support added.
- Changes for BL6 in the bodhi profile and various improvements with the implementation.
- Borderless window menu item added.
- Icon set preview fix
- GTK and Icon set selecting confusion fix
- Screen lock/unlock apps list save fix.
- Support for focused frame to be set or unset if a theme supports it.
- Resolved an odd bug with the first key press in a Virtual box VM always being capitalized.
- New Wincontrol module created for controlling windows from the shelf.
- Desktitle module added (for showing the current desktop number or name).
- Forecast module refactored using wttr.in data due to change in yahoo weather API.
- Launcher Dictionary plugin improvements.
- Engage module hide label fixed.
- Compton module reworked with compton fork picom.
- Notification gadget added to the Notification Module supporting a history list added.
- Calendar module improved table alignment.
- Clipboard module supports some new features: lock, remove, edit history item, ignore adding clipboard content to history.
- Clipboard history list issue for small screens fixed.
- Improvements in the pointer code and memory management in the Clipboard Module.
- Auto-mount devices in EFM enabled by default.
- Clock Module now supports setting date and time.
- Clock calendar: years change with the mouse wheel.
- Week numbers supported in the clock calendar.
- Temperature module: animation and limit alert added.
- CPUfreq module: move in drag mode segfault fixed.
- iBar module: icons on/off flash animation added to settings.
- Battery status popup on mouse click for better visibility.
- Battery alert by default (5 mins or 5%).
- Mixer module: maximum limit set up to 153 % by the keyboard.
- Mixer module: Range limit notifications added.
- Mixer module: keyboard “Esc” Escape and “M” mute shortcuts added.
- Places Module: Ensure Desktop folder localization.
- Tasks Module “Shrink to fit” feature added.
- XKBswitch Module option group names fix.
- Temperature Module: animation and limit alert added.
- Quick Launcher popup size geometry increased.
- Quick Launcher zoom saving possibility added (use CTRL 3 or everything_configuration->geometry tab).
- Quick Launcher: single mouse click mode (right-click for switching to action tab).
- Open with sudo in Quick launcher implemented with pkexec.
- Tiling Module: floating window menu item added.
- Systray gadcon spacing related to Moksha scale factor or user-defined (env_variable: MOKSHA_SYSTRAY_SPACING)
All maintained themes:
- Themes adjusted for new Edje in EFL 1.25.
- Themes scaled for Full HD resolution
- Left border controls (min, max, close) support for 7 themes, selectable in border settings.
- Support for all new Moksha features added.
- Added ArcDark theme back to maintained themes. Fixed whatever issues present and updated with to support all new Moksha features.
- Support for shaped objects fixed added to all maintained themes.
- Various improvements and issues fixed in all themes currently maintained in the repository.
ArcGreen theme:
- Border Frame added to focused windows.
- New start button animation with an anti-aliased icon.
- More application icons added.
- New semi-transparent analog clock.
- Improved Notification text visibility.
- Border bottom size issue fixed after unshade.
- An issue with auto-hide shelf fixed.
- A shelf overlap issue fixed.
- Numerous other tweaks and issues fixed.
Extra Themes:
- Numerous issues and improvements in the Moksha Japan theme.
- Our original Radiance theme fixed and added to the repository.
- The old e17 ViceVersa theme updated and added to the repository.
79 backgrounds have been added to Bodhi’s repo. Many of these are Bodhi branded and some are enlightenment branded. Some of the backgrounds were taken from old Bodhi and e17 themes and some were created for Bodhi use by community members.