Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions

Revision for “Installation Instructions” created on September 17, 2023 @ 22:29:05 [Autosave]

Installation Instructions
<h1 class="sectionedit1">Installation Instructions</h1> The following are instructions for installing Bodhi Linux on to your computer from a working Linux/Windows system via a <strong>USB drive</strong> (eg: thumb-drive). This is the recommended method. Installation using CD/DVD is also possible. <div class="level1"> <div> Bodhi Linux utilizes a Live Environment which you lets you “try before you buy” - that is, you can use Bodhi Linux without actually installing it.  Note that any changes made in the Live Environment will <em class="u">not</em> be saved across a reboot**. Following instructions through Sections I, II, and III will allow you to enter the Live Environment. <em>Note: Starting with Bodhi Linux 7.0, the GRUB bootloader (GRUB 2.06) from our Ubuntu 22.04 base will not detect other Operating Systems already installed on your system. Please see <a href=""><em>Why won't GRUB detect my other OSes</em></a> for more information including a work around.</em> <em>** to create a bootable Bodhi Linux live USB drive with persistence, please see our <a href="">Ventoy tutorial</a>.</em> </div> </div> <div></div> <h1>I: Preparation</h1> <h3 class="sectionedit3">A: Materials Needed</h3> <div class="level3"> Before beginning, you will need the following things: <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">- A computer (x86 or x64) with an empty/blank hard drive/partition to use.</div> <ul> <li>If you want to dual boot (from another Linux distribution or Windows) and all your hard drive storage is fully allocated then it's recommended that you shrink these partitions until you have sufficient free space to create a new Bodhi Linux installation partition.</li> <li class="li">If you are willing to overwrite <strong>any/all</strong> current data, <strong>including your current OS</strong><strong>: </strong><em>select</em> the <strong>Erase disk and install Bodhi</strong> - see section IV.</li> <li class="li"><strong>NOTE: ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED DURING THIS PROCESS!</strong></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div></div> <ul> <li>- A USB drive that contains no important data <ul> <li><strong>NOTE: ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED DURING THIS PROCESS!</strong></li> </ul> </li> </ul> Bodhi Linux [library term="version"], System Requirements: [library term="system-requirements-minimum"][library term="system-requirements-recommended"][library term="system-requirements-note"][library term="system-requirements-verbiage"] <p style="padding-left: 30px"><strong>NOTE</strong>: Is your PC only just meting the Minimal Hardware Specification? Take a look at the <a href="">Minimal Spec FAQ</a>, you will find answers to questions, comments on software alternatives (when system memory is limited) and successful installs against minimal hardware specs.</p> </div> <h3 class="sectionedit4">B: Download Bodhi Linux</h3> <p style="padding-left: 30px">NOTE: See <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Selecting the Correct ISO</a> wiki page for more information on which version of Bodhi best suits your hardware</p> Examples below are based on <code>bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso</code>). <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">1) Visit the <a class="urlextern" title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Download</a> page</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">2) <em>Click</em> the <strong>Download</strong> link. (If you are familiar with using Torrents, you may select the <strong>Torrent Download</strong> link for a faster download and less stress on the Bodhi servers)</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">3) Save the file to a location you will remember.</div></li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="sectionedit5">C: Verify File Integrity (highly recommended)</h3> <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">1) Using the same <a class="urlextern" title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Download</a> link as above <em>click</em> the <strong>md5</strong> link.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">2) Save the file to the same location that you saved the Bodhi Linux .iso file.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <p class="li">3) Open a terminal emulator (<strong>Terminology</strong> for example)</p> </li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">4) Switch to the directory where you downloaded the files (<code>/home/user/Downloads</code> in this example - adjust the location to where you downloaded to):</div></li> </ul> <pre class="code">cd /home/user/Downloads</pre> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">5) View the <strong>md5 sum</strong> to verify against:</div></li> </ul> <pre class="code">cat bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso.md5</pre> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">6) <em>Generate</em> the <strong>md5sum</strong> for the downloaded .iso file:</div></li> </ul> <pre class="code">md5sum bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso</pre> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">7) The <em>generated</em> number from step 6 must <strong>exactly</strong> match the number to verify against from step 5. If the numbers do not match <strong>exactly</strong> the .iso file is corrupted or was so in the download process and you will have to download again.  Likely they do match - then please continue …</div></li> </ul> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">*7.5) An alternate method of verifying integrity is: after step 4, <em>write</em>:</div></li> </ul> <pre class="code">md5sum -c bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso.md5</pre> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">If the .iso file is OK you will get a reply like:</div></li> </ul> <pre class="code">bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso: ok</pre> </div> <h1 class="sectionedit6">II: Create a Bootable USB</h1> The following sub-sections are OS-specific, use the quick links below to jump to your preferred method: <ul> <li>Linux Only <ul> <li>Unetbootin</li> <li><a href="#B_Command-Line_8216dd8217_Method_Linux_Only">DD</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Windows Only <ul> <li><a href="#C_Rufus_Windows_7810_only">Rufus</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>OS agnostic <ul> <li><a href="#D_Alternative_Optical_Media_Method">CD-Rom</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h3 class="sectionedit6">A: Unetbootin Method (Linux Only):</h3> <p class="sectionedit6" style="padding-left: 30px"><em>NOTE - 1: may not work with UEFI motherboards</em></p> <p style="padding-left: 30px"><em>NOTE - 2: </em><strong>There are known issues using Unetbootin when using Windows</strong>.<em> See the dedicated section titled "Rufus (Windows 7/8/10 only)" (below) for the recommended approach for creating Live USB from within Windows.</em></p> <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">a) Install <strong>Unetbootin</strong></div></li> </ul> <div class="li">If you do not have <strong>Unetbootin</strong> installed already, please refer to the documentation for your distribution's package manager, or visit <a class="urlextern" title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"> Unetbootin's home page</a> and follow the instructions there.</div> <ul> <li class="li">b) <em>Insert</em> your <strong>USB drive</strong>.</li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">c) <em>Open</em> <strong>Unetbootin</strong> - method will vary depending on distribution, or <em>open</em> a <strong>terminal</strong> and type</div></li> </ul> <pre class="code">unetbootin</pre> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">d) <em>Type</em> your <strong>password</strong> when prompted, then <em>click</em> <strong>OK</strong></div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">e) <em>Click</em> the bottom radio button next to <strong>Diskimage</strong></div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">f) <strong><acronym title="International Organization for Standardization">ISO</acronym></strong> should already the default selection in the adjacent drop-down menu. If not, select <strong><acronym title="International Organization for Standardization">ISO</acronym></strong> from the list.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">g) <em>Click</em> the button marked with <strong>ellipses (…)</strong></div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">h) <em>Navigate</em> to the location where you download the Bodhi Linux .iso</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">i) Select <code>bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso</code> and <em>click</em> <strong>OK</strong></div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">j) The <strong>Type:</strong> selection drop-down menu should default to <strong>USB Drive</strong>. If not, select <strong>USB Drive</strong> from the list.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">k) Select the drive location of your <strong>USB drive</strong> in the <strong>Drive:</strong> drop-down menu. The location will vary among systems.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">l) Click <strong>OK</strong>. After a few minutes, your bootable <strong>USB drive</strong> will be created.</div></li> </ul> More information about <strong>unetbootin</strong> is available on their site at <a href=""></a> <h3>B: Command-Line 'dd' Method (Linux Only)</h3> If the <strong>unetbootin</strong> method does not work for you, use this <strong>'dd' </strong>method from the command line: <ul> <li>a) <em>Open</em> a <strong>terminal</strong>.</li> <li>b) <em>Navigate</em> to the location where you downloaded the Bodhi Linux .iso</li> </ul> <pre>ex.: cd /home/(<em>username</em>)/downloads/bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso</pre> <ul> <li>c) To inspect your drives; <em>insert</em> your <strong>USB drive</strong> and in the <strong>terminal</strong> <em>type</em>:</li> </ul> <pre>sudo parted -l</pre> **Tip - <em>run</em> the above command <span style="text-decoration: underline">before</span> and then <span style="text-decoration: underline">after</span> <em>inserting</em> your <strong>USB Drive </strong>- the drive that shows up will be your <strong>USB Drive</strong> (this can be helpful for new users to interpret the output from the 'sudo parted -l' command). You will see output representative of all of your <strong>HHDs/SSDs/USB drives </strong>(types, partitions, etc) similar to the following: <pre>Model: ATA Samsung SSD 850 (scsi) Disk <span style="background: #FF4500">/dev/sda</span>: 1000GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: gpt Disk Flags: Number Start End Size File system Name Flags 1 1049kB 106MB 105MB fat32 EFI system partition boot, esp 2 106MB 1050MB 944MB ntfs Basic data partition hidden, diag 3 1050MB 1184MB 134MB Microsoft reserved partition msftres 4 1184MB 109GB 108GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata 5 109GB 220GB 111GB ext4 bodhi_4 6 424GB 441GB 17.3GB linux-swap(v1) 7 441GB 871GB 430GB ntfs msftdata 8 978GB 979GB 524MB xfs msftdata 9 979GB 1000GB 21.5GB ntfs Basic data partition hidden, diag Model: TOSHIBA TransMemory (scsi) Disk <span style="background: #00FF00">/dev/sdb</span>: 2063MB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: msdos Disk Flags: Number Start End Size Type File system Flags 1 1049kB 2063MB 2062MB primary fat32 boot</pre> This output is telling you that a 2 GB Toshiba <strong>USB drive</strong> plugged in has been allocated as <span style="background: #00FF00">/dev/sdb</span>. From this information, you will now be able to use ‘<strong>dd</strong>’ to create a live, <strong>bootable Bodhi USB drive</strong>. <strong>***</strong>  Do <strong>NOT</strong> overwrite your PC’s hard drive during this next step or you will very likely lose all data on your hard drive. Be VERY SURE that the device you type is <strong>NOT</strong> your PC’s hard drive. <strong>***</strong> The previous step determined that <span style="background: #FF4500">/dev/sda</span> is our 1000 GB hard drive, <strong>we do NOT want to enter that</strong> into the next step, or it will be over-written.  If you have more than one physical hard drive in your PC, be sure you don’t overwrite that (or those) either. OK?… <ul> <li>d) From the data collected during the previous step, you can now <em>execute</em> the <strong>‘dd’ command</strong> in the <strong>terminal</strong>:</li> </ul> <pre>sudo dd if=/home/(<em>username</em>)/Downloads/bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso of=/dev/sdb</pre> It will take a while to complete this command [without progress output (until it is finished)], so it may just be best to walk away and get a snack or some exercise while this step completes.  Trust thy PC! <h3>C: Rufus (Windows 7/8/10 only)</h3> <p style="padding-left: 30px"><strong>NOTE</strong>: With Rufus, the "<em>DD method</em>" <strong>must</strong> be used when creating the Live USB, otherwise the live USB may fail/error during the USB boot process. Pay special attention to this in step <em>(f)</em> below. <a href=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022"><img class="wp-image-3532 alignright" src=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022" alt="Rufus" width="200" height="243" /></a></p> <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">a) Download <strong>Rufus</strong> from the official <a href="">website</a>. No installation is necessary.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">b) <em>Insert</em> your <strong>USB drive</strong> into your PC/Laptop</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">c) <em>Open</em> the <strong>Rufus</strong> application downloaded in step (a). The file will be named similar to: <code>rufus-3.12.exe</code></div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">d) With the Rufus application open, set the following options</div> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"><strong>Device</strong>: set to your the <em>USB Drive</em> added in step (b)</div></li> <li><strong>Boot selection</strong>: set to: <code>Disk or ISO image (please select)</code></li> <li><em>Click</em> the button to the right of <strong>Boot Selection</strong> labelled <code>SELECT</code>,  a file navigation window will open. Navigate/select the Bodhi ISO image downloaded earlier (ie: <code>bodhi-[library term="version"]-64-hwe.iso</code>)</li> <li><strong>Partition scheme</strong>: set to <code>MBR</code></li> <li><strong>Target system</strong>: set to <code>BIOS or UEFI</code></li> <li>All other options can be left at their defaults</li> </ul> </li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">e) <em>Click</em> <code>START</code> button (bottom right of the window).</div></li> <li>f) A pop-up window labelled: <em>ISO Hybrid image detected</em> will now open. You will be presented with two options relating to how the ISO image is written to the <em>USB drive</em>. <strong>Select the second option labelled: <code>Write in DD Image mode</code></strong>. Then <em>click</em> <code>OK</code>.</li> <li>g) A final pop-up window will opening warning you that <strong>ALL Data on USB will be Destroyed</strong>. If you are happy to proceed <em>click <code>OK</code>.</em></li> <li>h). The ISO image will now be written to the USB Drive. Depending on the speed of your USB Drive and your PC/Laptop this can take a number of minutes.</li> <li>i) If the write to USB drive completed without error <em>click</em> <code>CLOSE</code> to terminate the Rufus application.</li> </ul> </div> <h3>D: Alternative Optical Media Method</h3> If you want to <em>burn</em> a CD/DVD that will be bootable under both Legacy &amp; UEFI, try this <strong>command</strong> (it is basically the equivalent of '<strong>dd</strong>' for a CD/DVD): <pre>xorrecord dev=/dev/sr0 speed=12 fs=8m blank=as_needed -eject padsize=300k /home/(<em>username</em>)/downloads/bodhi-[library term="version"]-64.iso --or-- you may need to replace 'sr0' above with one of --&gt; cdrom, cdrw, dvd, dvdrw (or possibly others - depends on your system)</pre> </div> <h1 class="sectionedit7">III: Boot into the Live Environment</h1> <h3 class="sectionedit8">A: Prepare Your Computer</h3> <div class="level3"> Most systems are not set up to boot from a USB stick automatically. Since the method for doing so varies from machine to machine, you may have to experiment and/or consult the documentation for your system's BIOS. Here are some pointers: <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">Many systems will allow you to enter a “one-time boot menu” by pressing <strong>F2</strong> or <strong>F12</strong> during the initial system start-up. This will give you several options (CD/DVD, USB, Network, Hard Drive, etc) from which to boot.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">Look for a message during the initial system start-up that tells you which button to press to enter the <strong>BIOS</strong>. Often this is the <strong>Delete</strong> key. From within the <strong>BIOS,</strong> you are able to alter the Boot Sequence and choose USB as the first device.</div></li> <li class="level1">In some cases, the BIOS requires that the USB stick is inserted into a USB port before it will recognize it in the boot order.</li> </ul> A lot of newer systems are no longer coming with a BIOS. Intel's UEFI standard changed a lot of mechanics in a computer boot sequence. Unfortunately, the details of the changes and exactly how to configure it is beyond the scope of this guide. Please feel free to stop by the [library term="forum"] or join our <a href="">live chat (discord) </a> for help configuring your UEFI machine. </div> <h3 class="sectionedit9">B: Reboot to USB</h3> <div class="level3"> <ol> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"><em>Insert</em> the bootable USB stick.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"><em>Reboot</em> to USB using the method determined above.</div></li> </ol> </div> <h3 class="sectionedit10">C: Live USB Boot Options</h3> When the Live USB boots you will be presented with a number of options. If you are uncertain which option to select, In most scenarios option <strong>(1)</strong> is recommended. For older / minimum spec hardware use option <strong>(2) </strong>or option <strong>(3)</strong>. <p style="padding-left: 30px">NOTE depending on your system's specs, your selected Boot Option this step may take a while to load - be patient!</p> <ol> <li><strong>Try Bodhi Linux without Installing</strong> <em>....will boot to the Bodhi's (Moksha) Desktop. From there you may use the system, install applications and drivers, connect to the Internet and use many of Bodhi's features. An "Install" icon is available from the Main Menu should you wish to begin the standard installation without rebooting. At the end of a Live USB session, unless an installation is completed, none of the changes you have made will be retained (on the USB Drive). </em></li> <li><strong>Try Bodhi Linux In Safe Graphics Mode</strong> <em> in option (1), but it instructs Bodhi to not load graphics drivers (<code>nomodset</code>). Use this option if you have issues using option (1) ...such as hanging on startup / desktop display issue.     </em></li> <li><strong>Install Bodhi Linux</strong> <em>Boots straight into the standard installer. This option is also very useful for PCs/Laptops with Minimum Spec hardware, that have experienced installation issues in options (1) or (2) due to memory constraints / unexpected installer crashes.</em></li> <li><strong>Test Memory</strong></li> <li><strong>Check disk for defects </strong><em>This option can help detect defects on your storage device prior to installation (or use if installation issues arise relating to storage device defects) </em></li> <li><strong>Boot from first hard drive</strong></li> </ol> <a href=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022"><img class="size-full wp-image-3484 aligncenter" src=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022" alt="Live USB Boot Options" width="466" height="290" /></a> <h1 class="sectionedit11">IV: Installation to Hard Drive</h1> <h3 class="sectionedit12">A: Installation Steps</h3> With the exception of step <strong>#1</strong>, the following steps outline the installer screen you will be presented with during installation. <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"><strong>1. Initialize Installer</strong>: Only applies to Try Bodhi Desktop (ie Option <strong>1</strong> or <strong>2</strong> from the earlier <em>Boot Options</em> selection). From the Bodhi Live Environment, locate and <em>click</em> the <strong>Install Bodhi Linux</strong> from the Main Menu. The main menu is accessed from the very bottom left of the navigation bar (called a shelf). From the  Main Menu navigate to:  Applications &gt; Preferences &gt; Install Bodhi Linux [library term="version"].</div></li> <li class="level1"><strong>2. Welcome</strong>: Select your preferred language and <em>click</em> <strong>Continue</strong></li> <li><strong>3.</strong> <strong>Keyboard Layout: </strong>Select your general keyboard style from the list on the left, then <em>select</em> the specific layout from the list on the right. There is also a <strong>text entry field</strong> where you can test your selections. When satisfied, <em>click</em> <strong>Continue</strong>.</li> <li><strong>4. Updates and Other Software</strong><strong> </strong>Allows you to set the following options. When satisfied, <em>click</em> <strong>Continue</strong>. <ul> <li>Download updates while installing Bodhi (default: selected)</li> <li>Install third party software updates for graphics cards and WiFi hardware (default: not selected)NOTE: For minimum specification PCs, un-select the option "Download updates while Installing Bodhi", as this increases the memory demands of the installer. The method to run updates post-installation is outlined further through this tutorial.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <strong>5. Installation Type</strong>: <ul> <li>If you are installing Bodhi onto a system where it will be the only <acronym title="Operating System">OS</acronym>, <em>select</em> <strong>Erase disk and install Bodhi</strong></li> <li>If the installer detects other operating systems you will see options to "install alongside...". For example, <strong>Install Bodhi alongside Windows Boot Manager</strong></li> <li>If you need complete control over the installation target (or need to modify your disk Partitions) select the option "<strong>Something else</strong>". This is an advanced option, care must be taken. When you have made your selected click <strong>Install Now</strong>.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <a href=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022"><img class="size-medium wp-image-3485 aligncenter" src=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022" alt="Installation Type" width="620" height="321" /></a> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"><strong>6.  Write changes to disk?</strong>: No matter which option you selected in <strong>step # 5</strong> you will come to a confirmation screen like the one below. <strong>Go Back</strong> if you are unsure of your changes; otherwise, <em>click</em> <strong>Continue</strong></div></li> </ul> <a href=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022"><img class="size-medium wp-image-3486 aligncenter" src=";x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x55737&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022&amp;x58022" alt="Write Changes to Disk" width="620" height="210" /></a> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"><strong>7 Time Zone</strong>: Select your time zone by either typing the name of a nearby city or <em>click</em> on your location on the map.</div></li> </ul> Note! The next screen is the last screen before the installation completes. If you are unsure of any settings you selected you may use the Back button to double-check/change them. When satisfied, click Forward. </div> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li"> <strong>8 Who are you?</strong>: As the singer Roger Daltrey once asked, enter your given name, for now skip the computer name we will return to this at the end. Now enter a username you would like for the primary user (non-root) account. Enter the password you would like associated with this account twice (for confirmation). Validate (or rename) the name to identify your computer. There is also a radio button choice between <strong>Log in automatically</strong> and <strong>Require my password to log in</strong> - the choice is yours but we always recommend requiring a password. When you're satisfied with your selection click to <strong>Continue, </strong>this last step requires no further intervention. A slide show of general Bodhi Linux info is presented. Sit back and relax - in just a few minutes you'll have a shiny new Bodhi Linux system! </div></li> </ul> <h3 class="sectionedit13">B: System Reboot</h3> <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">1) When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart. <em>Click</em> <strong>Restart Now</strong></div></li> </ul> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">2) Next a screen will appear with shutdown messages which will ask you to remove the installation media then <em>press</em> <strong>Enter</strong></div></li> </ul> <div class="noteimportant">Some systems may “hang” at this point. If you are presented with a black screen with a blinking cursor, <em>press</em> <strong>Enter</strong></div> </div> <h3 class="sectionedit14">C: First Boot</h3> <div class="level3"> <ul> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">1) The first screen you will see is the <strong>GRUB</strong> boot screen. Bodhi Linux will be highlighted by default, and if no action is taken Bodhi Linux will boot automatically. If there are any other operating systems installed they can be selected by <em>pressing</em> the keyboard <strong>arrow keys</strong> then <em>press</em> <strong>Enter</strong>.</div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">2) <em>Type</em> your password in the <strong>text entry field</strong> (it will appear on the screen as a series of asterisks) then <em>press</em> <strong>Enter</strong></div></li> <li class="level1"> <div class="li">3) Once you are logged in, you will be presented with Bodhi Linux's Quick Start Guide and the default Theme.</div></li> </ul> </div> <h1 class="sectionedit15">V: Post Installation</h1> <div class="level3"> <h3 class="li">A. Update the System Software:</h3> <ul> <li class="li">There are many reasons to keep your Bodhi Linux fully updated/patched – improved functionality, bug fixes, and increased security (to name a few!). A full tutorial can be found at <a href="">Keeping Bodhi Linux up-to-date</a></li> </ul> <h3>B. Get Familiar with Bodhi Linux:</h3> <ul> <li>The first time you launch the Epiphany Web Browser (the default Web browser), you will be taken to <strong>The Bodhi Linux Quickstart Guide</strong> which will help you get connected to the Internet among many other basic tasks.</li> <li class="li"><em class="u">Install Your Favorite Applications</em>: Visit the <a class="urlextern" title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"> Bodhi Linux AppCenter</a> for an extremely easy way to install your favorite applications.</li> </ul> </div> <h3>C. Configure your new installation:</h3> <ul> <li> Bodhi and the Moksha Desktop are highly customizable. If you want to tweak your newly-installed Bodhi system, covering topics such as changing Desktop Themes, Icon sets, Wallpaper - then click <a href="">here</a> to find out more!</li> </ul> <h3>D. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions:</h3> <ul> <li>A series of thematic FAQS have been compiled, find out more on the wiki page: <a href="">Introducing the Bodhi Linux FAQs</a></li> </ul> <a href="">Bodhi Linux Home</a> <a href="">Bodhi Linux - Wiki Home Page</a> <a href="">Bodhi Linux - Wiki Table of Contents</a>

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February 22, 2018 @ 14:30:42 Jeff Hoogland
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January 31, 2017 @ 13:45:18 Jeff Hoogland
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